Top Digital Customer Experience Trends in India

digital customer experience trends | QaizenX

We are already in another decade, a new beginning awaits us in the form of an outgrowing and self-sufficient India. It is imperative to look towards how ready the country is to satisfy its digital customer experience demands, and the impact it can create, not just in the local but also in the overseas markets.

We are on the brink of endemic. However, it is going to significantly impact our lives for years to come. The push towards a digital India has never made more sense than it does now.

Brands, outsourcers, and technology partners are working very hard to find ways to drive transformation, amazing customer experiences, and efficiency in the contact center, as the CX industry undergoes tremendous changes, especially in the area of technology and innovation.

Digital Customer Experience Trends in India

Technology is a critical component of digital customer experience initiatives. Despite their disruptive nature, emerging technologies still provide a competitive advantage.

Nowadays, consumers buy experiences, not products. In spite of the changes, the big players from yesteryear are still as big as ever, which shows they understand this. Customers no longer base their loyalty on price or product. Instead, they stay loyal to companies due to the experience they receive.

Here are some of the trends that are going to grow as India shapes up to be a dominant force when it comes to Digital Customer Experience Trends.

1. AI Driven Experience:

Artificial Intelligence

The speed and precision of AI technologies and analytics, in addition to human insight, will provide the continuous intelligence needed for the digital customer experience in the future. To further enhance customer empowerment and improve the quality of interactions, multiple bots will be integrated with various communication channels.

2. Predictive Analytics:

Predictive Analysis is going to be crucial and has a lot more significance in the coming years. We use analytics mainly to predict what approach a customer might take and prepare for it because people develop new patterns every day

The analysis not only improves the customer experience but also paves the way for the introduction of many new features that the customer might like. This gives companies an edge over their competitors.

3. Data used for Marketing:

Companies use data to better understand their customer base and provide multiple solutions using the analysis pattern. Data can also enable companies to be competitive and analyze winning patterns.

A company can use this information to analyze its existing database as well as incorporate effective new ideas to increase customer demographics.

4. Visual and Augmented Reality Experience:

Augmented Reality

As social distancing is a norm in a post-pandemic society, this real-time experience is said to be integral to our lives. A-R and V-R are set to take off because they provide a close-to-real experience that one could get from their own homes. 

With people opting to purchase products online, without giving a physical touch or direct interaction with one of the employees to demonstrate the actual use case.

Virtual and augmented reality could help shape future customer experiences.

5. Making Self Help Prominent:

Libraries of information are provided in more intuitive ways to encourage customers to take self-help initiatives. The problem will be solved in a timely and efficient manner.

Chatbots are integrated with a host of information that customers can access, self-help functions as a third-party conversation. In fact, customers help themselves by discovering ways to deal with their specific problems without relying on anyone else.

6. IoT Platforms:

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of integrated devices that are connected to the internet and generate data. These generally do not require human-to-human or human-to-machine interaction. 

IoT devices are powerful tools that not only generate data but can learn and adapt to various features using the internet. Some IoT devices that can learn users’ needs and provide a specialized result can enhance the Digital Customer Experience.

7. Omnichannel and Transparent Experience:

A Customer could have multiple touchpoints throughout his/her experience. To make the experience seamless companies are opting to track individual customers, understand particular needs, and provide specified information for the customer to feel integrated and thought about.

We live in an era when transparency is essential. As customers are curious to know their status giving them some current information helps them understand the situation. And Be in line with their expectations.


In recent years, digital customer experience trends have certainly changed due to the Pandemic. With more people online and familiar with their devices, this trend is going to continue. So to grow in the future, brands need to focus on the digital experience as we emerge from this period. 

With QaizenX, you can improve your customer experience, whether it’s digital or physical.

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