6 Proven Ways To Improve Customer Satisfaction

Improve customer satisfaction | QaizenX

“A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.” – Michael LeBoeuf

Customers are the key facets of every business. The more satisfied customers you have, the more likelihood of conversion and profits. Organizations spend a huge amount on customer satisfaction strategies to ensure desired business goals.

Have you ever seen an organization soaring higher and not paying attention to its customers? Not possible!! Business success is directly proportional to customer satisfaction. A low customer satisfaction level implies a low retention rate and higher customer churn.

Improved customer satisfaction ultimately reduces the competition and it improves the brand image as well. So, if your primary goal is to get a higher customer satisfaction level, this article is for you. Keep reading this till the end to find the proven ways to improve customer satisfaction.

How to improve customer satisfaction?

If you wish to improve customer satisfaction and if your business vision is not only earning profits but gaining profits in the long haul, then you must listen to your customers. The feedback helps you to know what your customers actually want from the system.

Once you have the information about loopholes or points of improvement, you must start taking action. When you work towards improvement work, the whole UX improves which ultimately helps you enhance the profits numbers on reports.

Don’t stop the improvement process once you achieve the desired upshots. Let the good habits run in a loop. There is always a scope for refinement. Thus, it should be a continuous process.

Basically, take feedback from customers and roll on the improvement strategies based on the information you receive, this is what you expect to do to improve customer satisfaction.

Follow the below-mentioned tips and see the magic.

1. Multi-channel support can do wonders

Provide as many platforms as you can, from where your customers can easily connect with you. It also enhances your business’s trustworthiness. There are umpteen channels from where you can offer support to your customers. Such as

  1. Live chat support
  2. Social media support
  3. Email support
  4. Phone support

Multi-channel support boosts customer engagement and they happily connect with you via their preferred mode. However, you ought to ensure the best customer service across the channels. So that the customers will feel valued, which amplifies brand credibility and hence customer satisfaction.

2. Feedback collection should be a continuous process

Do you know, who can give you the best feedback about your products/services and system? Yes, you got it right, the customers.

The feedback you get from customers is the most realistic response. You come to know the level of customer satisfaction. No one else can tell you how your products or services are precisely but customers can.

Any organization which has customer-centric strategies is more profitable and ranks higher than its competitors. As mentioned above, run surveys to collect feedback from the customers and take actions according to feedback. This is a simple recipe for customer-centric organizations to improve customer satisfaction.

3. Customer satisfaction measurements act like the magic wand

What is the customer satisfaction level or score of your organization? Ask yourself this very crucial question. Do you have insights about this?

Another important question is, how do you measure the customer satisfaction score?

There are some tried and tested customer satisfaction metrics that give you accurate results on customer satisfaction levels.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) –

Ask your customers, how likely they will recommend your products or services to their family and friends on a scale of 0 to 10. This way, you get precise data.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) –

Check if a customer is satisfied with your products or services or not. Ask them to rate the products or services between 0 and 10.

Customer Effort Score (CES) –

Measure how easy or difficult the customer journey was.

These three surveys will let you know the exact level or score of customer satisfaction and then you can plan the strategies to improve customer satisfaction. After receiving the survey results, you know how to keep customers happy. Thus, execute the plan of action and get the desired aftermaths.

4. Asking for feedback across all touch-points is a great idea

Try catching your customers where they love to visit. You must find out the channels where your customers spend most of their time. Ask for feedback using that channel. For instance, email surveys can do well in the case of CSAT surveys.

When you take feedback across the channels, you manage to improve all stages of the customer journey. Some of the popular channel surveys are Mobile app surveys, Email and link surveys, Website surveys, etc.

Moreover, don’t wait to receive some random feedback on social media, instead ask your customers for feedback proactively. For example: if a customer has made his/ her first purchase with you. Ask, what made them buy the product? Or how can you improve your post-purchase services?

Also, you can ask about customers’ expectations before launching a new product. It increases the chances of success of that product.

5. Don’t keep the feedback, instead share it with the team

Why are you collecting the feedback? Obviously, to improve the overall processes. But if you will keep the feedback with you only, then do you think, the feedback will result positively? Check Dos and Don’ts for Taking Customer Feedback.

This critical customer feedback should not go unheard. Ensure you share the feedback with the concerned department. For instance, if the feedback is about mobile bugs, then the production team must know it. If it is about a social media campaign, inform the marketing team.

The more actively teams will respond, the more improved customer satisfaction you’ll have.

6. Try to respond to every feedback

Feedback can be negative or positive, there must be a response to every feedback. If a customer is happy, try to make the most of it. Because other visitors trust reviews and feedback more than anything else.

Thus, more positive feedbacks and reviews boost the conversion for sure. And if a customer is upset, you must try to unearth what makes them unhappy and then improve the process. At times, apologising for negative comments works well. In short, replying to feedback is a proven tip to improve customer

Are you all set to improve customer satisfaction?

We tried curating tested and verified tips for the improvement of customer satisfaction. Though one size doesn’t fit all; every organization has its unique processes and strategies. Yet these are standard methods which accord beneficial aftermaths in most cases.

Contemplate, what your business goal is and consider your target audience before you apply any of these tips. Rightly employed strategies bring favourable results!

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